School Board

The Moss Point School Board's Role and Responsibility

The constitution of the State of Mississippi requires the legislature to provide a system of free schools wherein all children of the state can receive an education. Accordingly, education is a state function and each school district is a political subdivision of the state.

The Moss Point School District Board of Education recognizes the importance of quality public education to the community and its people. The board holds sacred its responsibilities to act in good faith as the public trustees of the school district. The board recognizes its accountability to the community for providing quality educational programs for all children and using wisely its human and financial resources. Likewise, the board believes it is responsible for vigorously supporting and adequately funding all services, programs, and operations within reasonable fiscal constraints. The Board, through its actions and delegation of authority, governs the school district as a policy-making board in compliance with accreditation standards of the State and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
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School Board Members and Attorney

Antoinette Morris
Antoinette Morris
Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Vice President
 Daphne Viverette
Searcy Kay
Board Member
profile picture of corlew
John Scott Corlew
Board Attorney